Title Examination


Servia helps local and national clients examine titles and speed up the ready-to-close journey. With our presence across nationwide, we are sensitive and equipped to provide solutions covering all 50 states. We understand Title laws across states to deliver the correct title reports .

Servia offers a NO-TOUCH Title exam product, which means you can focus your time and energy on your customer’s experience, and our stateside experts will present the file to you ready for delivery. Since its inception, Servia has examined over 100,000 titles on behalf of our clients.

We examine 4,000 Titles each month and prepare Commitments.


  • Domain Expertize

    Highly experienced title examiners working full-time

  • Improved Turn-Times

    Up to 50% improvement in turn time, leveraging extended production hours and smart technology

  • Reduced Operational Cost

    Up to 40% reduction in operational cost

  • Flexibility

    Flexibility to scale work during peak times

Latest News


    Number of homeowners that could benefit from mortgage refinancing drops to 2 million

  • National Mortgage News

    CFPB’s Chopra promises crackdown on repeat offenders


    Mortgage refinance demand falls 60% year-over-year amid rising rates


John Tormey

-Title Company Owner, MD

I just wanted to thank you for the excellent services that Servia's Team did! We are just delighted to close the loan on time with greater efficiency!

Cynthia McCormick

-VP-Title and Escrow Company, FL

You guys are so wonderful to work with! I enjoyed getting my orders delivered to me in time with ever so consistant quality of work..Kudos Team Servia!!